MCCT-SKADS Training School
26th August - 4th September 2008
Sigüenza (Spain)
This school on Radioastronomy is the second one of a series of three in the framework of the training activities of the Square Kilometer Array Design Studies (SKADS) initiative. The first edition of the series was held in Bologna in 2007. The main goal is to attract and train potential users of the new generation of radio interferometers, with special focus on the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). This school is not only aimed to radio-astronomers but also to young astronomers/engineers regardless their speciality. A requirement is to have finished the graduate studies. Nationals from EU member and associated countries are fully supported by the MCCT/FP6 programme.
The school covers the following areas:
1. fundamentals of radio astronomy and radio interferometry
2. science highlights particularly relevant to the new generation of radio interferometers and in particular to the SKA
September 23-29, 2007
Medicina, Bologna Italy
INAF, Istituto di Radioastronomia, will host the First MCCT-SKADS Training School in September 2007. The school is fully sponsored by the Marie Curie MCCT-SKADS programme, within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission. This school is the first in a series of three, and the overall aim of the SKADS training programme is to attract and train potential users of the new generation of radio interferometers, with particular emphasis on SKADS. The school will cover the following areas: 1. fundamentals of radio astronomy and radio interferometry; 2. technical developments; 3. science highlights particularly relevant to the new generation of radio interferometers. The topics will be developed in the light of SKADS and of the future radio interferometers. The programme consists of lectures and scientific talks, spread over a full week, with morning and afternoon sessions.