Inaugurated in 1994 in Como, Italy, this series of conferences has become an important forum for scientists working on strong interactions, stimulating exchanges among theorists and experimentalists as well as across related fields.
The aim of the conference is to bring together people working on strong interactions from different approaches, ranging from lattice QCD to perturbative QCD, from models of the QCD vacuum to QCD phenomenology and experiments, from effective theories to physics beyond the Standard Model.
The scope of the conference also includes the interface between QCD, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and the wider landscape of strongly coupled physics. In particular, the conference focused on the fruitful interactions and mutual benefits between QCD and the physics of condensed matter and strongly correlated systems.
The sixteenth edition of this conference series was hosted by the Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, University of Adelaide, Australia. The event took place at the Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Queensland, Australia between August 19th – 24th, 2024.
This edition of the conference in Cairns had 264 participants; it included 28 plenary talks, 235 oral presentations, 8 poster displays and 3 Round Table discussions. The oral presentations were distributed across eight sessions : 22 talks in session A ( Vacuum Structure and Confinement), 6 talks in session A Focus Subsection ( “Topology and confinement at borderlines of particle physics and condensed matter: emergent confinement in cold atoms and Anderson criticality in the QCD”), 45 talks in section B ( Light Quarks), 39 talks in section C (Heavy Quarks), 32 talks in section D (Deconfinement), 20 talks in section E (QCD and New Physics), 36 talks in section F (Nuclear and Astro-particle Physics), 19 in section G (Strongly-Coupled Theories and Dark Matter) and 16 talks in session H (Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXIst Century).
We would like to thank the International Advisory Committee for their invaluable assistance in helping to identify many speakers. We extend our gratitude to the Asia Pacific Organising Committee for promoting the event. Thanks, are also due to the Local Organizing Committee for their efforts for smoothly running of the conference. This conference was hosted by CSSM, the University of Adelaide. The conference convenors have put a lot of effort into creating the program and for their tireless efforts in bringing to fruition this great event.
In addition, an outreach program for school students has been organised as part of the conference. Our thanks goes to Yiota Foka, Jonivar Skullerud, Despina Hatzifotiadou, Jackie Bondell and Wioletta Rseza for organising and running Tuesday’s dark matter and particle physics outreach program.
This conference would not have been possible without the financial support of several individuals and entities. The most generous backers include the Centre for Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM), the Centre for Dark Matter Particle Physics, Tourism and Events Queensland, Business Events Australia, the University of Adelaide, AUSHEP and Springer. We thank them all for supporting this conference.
The smooth preparation of this event depended on the efficiency of Silvana Santucci and Emily Campbell. They are responsible for much of the logistics required to deliver the conference.
Local Organising committee
Ayse Kizilersu
Nora Brambilla
Anthony W. Thomas
Derek B. Leinweber
Wally Melnitchouk
Anthony G. Williams
Martin White
Ross Young
James Zanotti
International Advisory Committee
Alexander Andrianov
Marshall Baker
Geoffrey T. Bodwin
Andrzej J. Buras
Gilberto Colangelo
Michael Creutz
Gerhard Ecker
Estia Eichten
Manfried Faber
Yiota Foka
Norbert Kaiser
Gastao Krein
Wolfgang Lucha
Thomas Mannel
Aneesh V. Manohar
Guido Martinelli
Khin Maung
Matthias Neubert
Stephan Paul
Jose R. Pelaez
Klaus Peters
Antonio Pich
Giovanni M. Prosperi
Hugo Reinhardt
Jose Emilio Ribeiro
Alexander Rothkopf
Hagop Sazdijan
Jonivar Skullerud
Mikhail Shifman
Joan Soto
Hideo Suganuma
Hiroshi Toki
Antonio Vairo
Asia-Pacific Regional Organising Committee
Nicole Bell
Cedric Simenel
Victor Flambaum
Zhanwei Liu
Craig Roberts
Xiaoyan Shen
Ping Wang
Jiajun Wu
Chang-Zhang Yuan
Shi-Lin Zhu
Tetsuo Hatsuda
Makoto Oka
Hideo Suganuma
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Pyungwon Ko
Su Houng Lee
Anthony Francis
David Lin
Jiunn-Wei Chen
Convenors Session A
Dmitry Antonov
Manfried Faber
Thomas D. Cohen
Jeff Greensite
Derek Leinweber
Convenors Session A*
Ivan Horvath
Jad C. Halimeh
Maria Cristina Diamantini
Convenors Session B
Martha Constantinou
Nicos G. Stefanis
Hagop Sazdjian
Bernhard Ketzer
Ayse Kizilersu
James Zanotti
Convenors Session C
Joan Soto
Antonio Vairo
Francesco Knechtli
Heesok S. Chung
Roberto Mussa
Utku Can
Convenors Session D
Felix Ringer
Peter Petreczky
Jacopo Ghiglieri
Yiota Foka
Jan M. Pawlowski
Convenors Session E
Marina Marinkovic
William Detmold
Giulia Ricciardi
Susan Gardner
Wolfgang Korsch
Ross Young
Convenors Session F
Andreas Schmitt
Evgeny Epelbaum
Mark Alford
Johann Marton
David Blaschke
Anthony W. Thomas
Wally Melnitchouk
Convenors Session G
Vicento Vento
Zoltan Fodor
Roman Pasechnik
Michael Spannowsky
Domenec Espriu
Anthony G. Williams
Convenors Session H
Sergei V. Gleyzer
Tommaso Dorigo
Enrico Rinaldi
Martin White
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