The INCL intranuclear cascade code has been developed and used for a long time. Its aim is to
simulate the interactions of light projectiles with all types of nuclei in an energy range from a few
tens of MeV to 10-20 GeV. To do this, it has to be combined with a de-excitation code, and most
of the time it is the ABLA code that is used. Both codes are also available in the Geant4 particle
transport code. In addition, different versions of INCL are available in other codes (e.g. phits,
genie). The latest innovation in INCL is the ability to simulate antiproton-nucleus reactions, from
at-rest to around 10 GeV. This is the subject that will be presented here, focussed on the low energy
domain, along with the way in which the implementations were made (hypotheses, ingredients)
and the results that were obtained (comparisons with experimental data). As the antineutron is
currently being implemented, this subject is also addressed. The next step is to extend this to
antideuterons, antitritons, etc., and, very preliminary results with antideuterons are shown as well.