Fully-electrodynamic radio simulations with Eisvogel
P. Windischhofer*, C. Deaconu and C. Welling
Published on:
November 07, 2024
Radio neutrino detection experiments require high-fidelity simulations to predict expected signal shapes and characterize backgrounds in the presence of complicated material geometries. This note describes recent progress in the development of Eisvogel, an open community tool that leverages electrodynamic Green’s functions to enable efficient first-principles calculations of antenna signals in radio particle detectors. Emphasis is put on a description of the software architecture developed for the calculation and storage of large-scale Green’s functions in a distributed-computing environment, on an exposition of wave-optics phenomena relevant for in-ice neutrino observatories, and a summary of progress towards end-to-end radio simulations using CORSIKA 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.470.0051
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