Towards a discretization of supersymmetric QCD
E. Carstensen* and G. Bergner
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 20, 2025
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We study possible discretizations of the action of supersymmetric QCD.
Supersymmetry is broken on the lattice and improved lattice formulations should reduce the amount of fine-tuning required to recover it in the continuum limit.
The discrepancy between the conventional scalar field discretization and the Wilson fermion discretization contributes to the breaking of supersymmetry even in the free theory.
We present an alternative formulation of the scalar sector, that avoids part of the mismatch.
Using this discretization, we explore properties of the scalar sector of $\mathcal{N} = 1$ super QCD.
This sector is similar to a 2-Higgs model.
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