2024 Update on $\epsilon_{K}$ with lattice QCD inputs
S. Jwa*, J. Kim, S. Kim, S. Lee, W. Lee, J. Leem and S. Park
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 28, 2025
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We report recent progress on $\varepsilon_{K}$ evaluated directly from the
standard model (SM) with lattice QCD inputs such as $\hat{B}_{K}$, exclusive
$|V_{cb}|$, $|V_{us}|$, $|V_{ud}|$, $\xi_0$, $\xi_2$, $\xi_\text{LD}$, $f_K$,
and $m_c$.
We find that the standard model with exclusive $|V_{cb}|$ and lattice
QCD inputs describes only $2/3 \cong 65\%$ of the experimental value
of $|\varepsilon_{K}|$ and does not explain its remaining 35%, which
represents a strong tension in $|\varepsilon_{K}|$ at the $5.1\sigma \sim
4.1\sigma$ level between the SM theory and experiment.
We also find that this tension disappears when we use the inclusive
value of $|V_{cb}|$ obtained using the heavy quark expansion based on
the QCD sum rule approach.
We also report results for $|\varepsilon_{K}|$ obtained using the
Brod-Gorbahn-Stamou (BGS) method for $\eta_i$ of $u-t$ unitarity,
which leads to even a stronger tension of $5.7\sigma \sim 4.2\sigma$
with lattice QCD inputs.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0433
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