Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Vacuum Structure and Confinement
Intrinsic width of the flux tube in 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theories
L. Verzichelli*, M. Caselle, E. Cellini, A. Nada and D. Panfalone
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 08, 2025
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We study the shape of the flux tube in lattice Yang-Mills theories and in particular its intrinsic width.
In the framework of the Effective String Theory description of the confining flux tube this intrinsic width has no measurable effects on the inter-quark static potential, but it can be precisely detected looking at the profile of the flux tube. We address this problem with a set of high precision simulations in the (2+1) dimensional $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ model. We find two different behaviours as a function of the temperature. In the low temperature regime ($T \ll T_c$) we find a good agreement with an expression inspired by the dual superconductive model of confinement. In the high temperature regime ($T \lesssim T_c$) our data agree with a model based on the Svetitsky-Yaffe mapping. All our data in this regime can be described in terms of only one length scale, the intrinsic width, which turns out to be the same scale appearing in the confining inter-quark static potential.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0403
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