We study (1+1)-dimensional O(3) nonlinear sigma model using the tensor renormalization group method with the infinite limit of the bond dimension $D_{\rm cut}\rightarrow \infty$.
At the vanishing chemical potential $\mu=0$, we investigate the von Neumann and R\'enyi types of entanglement entropies. The central charge is determined to be $c=1.97(9)$ by using the asymptotic scaling properties of the entropies. We also examine the consistency between two entropies. In the finite density region with $\mu\ne 0$, where this model suffers from the sign problem in the standard Monte Carlo approach, we investigate the properties of the quantum phase transition. We determine the transition point $\mu_{\rm c}$ and the critical exponent of the correlation length $\nu$ from the $\mu$ dependence of the number density in the thermodynamic limit. The dynamical critical exponent $z$ is also extracted from the scaling behavior of the temporal correlation length as a function of $\mu$. This is the first successful calculation of the dynamical critical exponent with the TRG method.