Grassmann Tensor Renormalization Group for two-flavor massive Schwinger model with a theta term
H. Kanno*, S. Akiyama, K. Murakami and S. Takeda
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 23, 2025
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We investigate the $N_f=2$ Schwinger model with the massive staggered fermions in the presence of a $2\pi$ periodic $\theta$ term, using the Grassmann tensor renormalization group.
Thanks to the Grassmann tensor network formulation, there is no difficulty in dealing with the massive staggered fermions.
We study the $\theta$ dependence of the free energy in the thermodynamic limit.
Our calculation provides consistent results with the analytical solution in the large mass limit.
The results also suggest that the $N_f=2$ Schwinger model on a lattice has a different phase structure from that described by the continuum theory.
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