Two-color lattice QCD in (1 + 1) dimensions with Grassmann tensor renormalization group
H.P. Kwok*, S. Akiyama and S. Todo
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 27, 2025
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The $(1+1)$-dimensional two-color lattice QCD is studied with the Grassmann tensor renormalization group.
We construct tensor network representations of theories with the staggered fermion and the Wilson fermion and show that Grassmann tensor networks can describe both cases with the same bond dimension.
We also propose an efficient initial tensor compression scheme to gauge degrees of freedom.
We compute the number density, chiral condensate, and diquark condensate at finite density, employing the staggered fermions.
For the theory with Wilson fermion, a critical point in the negative mass region is identified by inspecting the pseudoscalar condensate and the conformal field theory data.
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