Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
Gradient Flow of the Weinberg Operator
T. Bhattacharya*, S. Bhattacharya, V. Cirigliano, R. Gupta, E. Mereghetti, S. Park, J.S. Yoo and B. Yoon
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 12, 2025
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We present preliminary results on the susceptibilities involving the CP-violating (CPV) Weinberg three-gluon operator and the topological Θ term using the gradient flow scheme, and study their continuum and chiral extrapolations. These are used to provide an estimate of the Θ induced by the Weinberg operator in theories with the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism. Combined with the calculations of the matrix elements (MEs) of quark-bilinears between nucleon states, such calculations will enable estimates of the electric dipole moments (EDMs) and CPV pion-nucleon couplings due to the Weinberg operator, thereby providing robust constraints on beyond the standard model (BSM) physics.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0344
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