PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Progress on the spectroscopy of lattice gauge theories using spectral densities
N. Forzano*, E. Bennett, H. Hsiao, J.W. Lee, B. Lucini, A. Lupo, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino, F. Zierler, L. Del Debbio, R. Hill, D.K. Hong and C.J.D. Lin
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Pre-published on: December 05, 2024
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Spectral densities encode non-perturbative information crucial in computing physical observables in strongly coupled field theories. Using lattice gauge theory data, we perform a systematic study to demonstrate the potential of recent technological advances in the reconstruction of spectral densities. We develop, maintain and make publicly available dedicated analysis code that can be used for broad classes of lattice theories. As a test case, we analyse the Sp(4) gauge theory coupled to an admixture of fermions transforming in the fundamental and two-index antisymmetric
representations. We measure the masses of mesons in energy-smeared spectral densities, after optimising the smearing parameters for available lattice ensembles. We present a summary of the mesons mass spectrum in all the twelve (flavored) channels available, including also several
excited states.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0137
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