This talk presents recent experimental findings at BESIII experiment, including three distinct studies. Firstly, it reports the measurements of the Born cross-sections of
$e^+e^-\to\Sigma^+\bar\Sigma^-$, $\Xi^-\bar\Xi^+$, $K^{0}_{S}K^{0}_{L}$ and $K^-\bar\Xi^+\Lambda/\Sigma^0+c.c.$ at center-of-mass energies between 3.5 and 4.9 GeV. Secondly, it delves into the observation of significant flavor-SU(3) breaking in the kaon wave function at 12 GeV$^2$$<Q^2<$25 GeV$^2$, the discovery of $\psi(3770)\to K^{0}_{S}K^{0}_{L}$ and the evidence of $\psi(4160)\to K^-\bar\Xi^+\Lambda+c.c.$.
Thirdly, it discusses the search for the production of deuterons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 4.1 and 4.7 GeV in the reactions of
$e^+e^-\to pp\pi^-\bar{d}+c.c.$ and $pp\bar{p}\bar{n}\pi^-+c.c.$. These results offer new perspectives on hadron production in the baryonic final states and the flavor dynamics within the kaon wave function, and the rare decay processes involving the $\psi(3770)$ resonance, contributing to our understanding of hadron dynamics in this energy regime through baryon final states produced in $e^+e^-$ collisions.