Indian Scintillator Matrix for Reactor Anti-Neutrino (ISMRAN) experiment is the first indigenous effort in the country to measure the reactor based antineutrinos at very close distances ($\sim$13 m) from the reactor core. The experiment is setup in DHRUVA research reactor and has been in the data taking mode since January 2022. The main goal of ISMRAN is to understand the Reactor Anti-neutrino Anamoly from a reactor core, which utilizes natural uranium as fuel. All previous measurements are performed using highly enriched ${}^{235}U$ fuel and observed a deficit of 4-6$\%$ in the antineutrino yield when compared with theory predictions. In this proceedings, we present first results from the complete ISMRAN setup at DHRUVA reactor hall. We will summarize the foreground activities that were carried out for the understanding of the ISMRAN detector response. A new generation of experiments for future, involving the measurement of reactor antineutrinos using coherent elastic scattering will also be discussed.