The High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO) conferences are a cycle of biennial events devoted to the discussion of the most recent developments, either theoretical, phenomenological, or observational, on the major themes of high-energy and multi-messenger astrophysics associated with relativistic winds and jets, on all scales.
The HEPRO VIII edition has been held in Paris (France), on the campus of Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris and Observatoire de Paris, from October 23 to October 26, 2023. Some specific themes that were addressed at HEPRO VIII included the physics, dynamics and multi-wavelength signatures of jets, the production of cosmic-rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos in relativistic outflows, the environments of compact objects, the physics of relativistic sources, including pulsar wind nebulae, binary systems, gamma-ray bursts and blazars, and particle acceleration.
Sessions |
Invited contributions |
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Invited contributions |
Bursts and relativistic ejecta from magnetar quakes
On the physics of gamma-ray emitting binaries
The prompt emission phase of gamma-ray bursts: recent results
Theory of magnetized accretion-ejection structures
Radiation from accreting supermassive binary black holes approaching merger
Particle Acceleration in Accretion Flows and Related High-energy Signatures
Progenitors of gravitational wave sources and recent results in gravitational wave astronomy
Emission Mechanisms, Power, and Impact: The enduring open questions of extragalactic jets
Reconnection and pair production discharges in magnetospheres of neutron stars and black holes
Blazar jets: new clues and old challenges
Electron-Ion Temperature Ratio in Transrelativistic Unmagnetized Shock Waves
Probing the surroundings of a supermassive black hole with hotspots
Understanding the brightest GRB 221009A
Sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos
(Invited talk on Physics and Dynamics of Relativistic Jets - title TBD)
Understanding the evolution of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
Oral presentations |
Electron acceleration and advection model for the high energy emission from the large scale jet of AGNs
Radiation-mediated shocks in GRB prompt emission
Insights into the high-energy emission of archetypical TeV blazars from the first combined X-ray polarisation and VHE measurements
Multi-wavelength lightcurves of the shallow decay phase in GRB afterglows
Afterglow linear polarization signatures from shallow GRB jets
Extreme particle acceleration at jet termination shocks
Discovery of large-scale and energetic relativistic jets from a black hole candidate in a Galactic globular cluster.
Radiation Signatures from Ultra Fast Intergalactic Neutron Stars
Gamma-ray evidence for a jet-orbit misalignment in the X-ray binary Cyg X-3
Effects of RMHD Jet Dynamics on Particle Acceleration
Extended emission in short gamma-ray bursts from fallback accretion
Shock Breakout from Stellar Envelopes: The Relativistic Limit
Hadronic processes at work in 5BZB J0630-2406
Inferring the underlying physics of GRBs through the first end-to-end GRMHD simulations
Hydrodynamical simulations on state transitions in spider systems
Exploring the Origins of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays: Insights from Simulated Relativistic Jets
Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection in the Jets of High-Energy Peaked BL Lacertae Objects
High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Hole Magnetospheres
Lepto-Hadronic Very-High-Energy GRB Afterglows
Magnetization of Relativistic Current-carrying Jets with Radial Velocity Shear
A multi-zone view of blazar's emission
Magnetar Eruptions and Electromagnetic Fireworks
Exploring the Impact of Variabilities in Relativistic Jets dynamics
Relativistic Jet Simulations and Modeling on Horizon Scale
Initiation of magnetic flux eruptions at accreting black holes
The VHE emission of structured GRB jets: the case of GW170817 and prospects for future detections
Supercritical accretion disks with winds in General Relativity
The Sharpened View and Enriched Phenomenology of AGN Jets from Event Horizon Telescope Observations
Unbiased survey of high-frequency-peaked BL Lacs with VERITAS
Energetic Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Shearing Flows
Neutrinos and photons as signatures of dissipation close to the photosphere in short gamma-ray burst jets
Ultrafast variability in AGN jets: intermittency and lighthouse effect
Large-scale feedbacks in relativistic collisionless shocks: the role of nonlinearities
Gamma-ray narrow-line Seyfert galaxies: first long-term optical, UV, and X-ray monitoring
Photon energy gain in relativistic Plasma with velocity Shear: A new mechanism for producing power-law spectra at high energies
Expanding Fireball in Magnetar Bursts and Fast Radio Bursts
Posters |
Observation of microquasars high-energy emission with INTEGRAL
Searching for new gamma-ray binaries through runaway stars
Accelerated cosmic rays' feedback on relativistic jets
Simulations of unstable recollimation shocks
Radiatively driven evaporation from magnetar's surface
Fermi & eROSITA bubbles: Relics of twin jetted bursts from Sgr A*
Prospects for ultra-high-energy particle acceleration at relativistic shocks
MAGIC observation of BL Lacertae flaring period in 2020
High energy neutrino emission from a radiatively inefficient accretion flow based on a GRMHD simulation
The impact of the stellar wind on the non-thermal processes in gamma-ray binaries
Synchrotron Polarization of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Shocks with Hydrodynamic-scale Turbulent Magnetic Field
Magnetically-dominated plasma turbulence in the rapid synchrotron-cooling regime
Modelling the variable emission states of gamma-ray emitting NLS1 galaxies
Resistive relativistic MHD simulations of astrophysical jets
A large-energy relativistic jet model for GRB 080710 producing bright achromatic afterglow
The high-energy gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars
Enhanced particle acceleration in a pulsar wind interacting with a companion
Feasibility studies on the search of Lorentz invariance violation signatures from relativistic jets with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Modelling and fitting of Extreme TeV Bl Lacs
Investigating the Low-State of NGC 1275 with VERITAS and Multi-wavelength Observations
Exploration of the physical origin of blazar flares with a time-dependent one-zone model
Particle-in-cell simulation of a relativistic shock propagating in an electron-proton-helium plasma
Data analysis of a sample of Fermi GRBs with a model of radiation-mediated shocks
The phenomenology at high energies of fast moving pulsar wind nebulae
Spindown of Pulsars Interacting with Companion Winds: Implications for the Double Pulsar PSR J0737-3039
A $4^{\rm th}$-order accurate finite volume method for ideal and resistive classical and special relativisitc MHD in the PLUTO code
Can the Thermal Evolution of the Expanding Fireball Explain the GRB 221206B?
Multi-pulse GRB prompt emission via a novel pulse-shape model
XMM-Newton observations of the extragalactic microquasar S26 and their implications for PeV cosmic rays
GRB 221009A observations with LST-1 at VHE gamma rays
Impact of MHD instabilities on the non-thermal emission signatures of Blazar jets
Gamma-Ray Propagation Signatures in AGN Spectra with VERITAS