The SM of Particle Physics is the model that, up to now, best describes the matter content and its
fundamental interactions. Though the tests it has gone through during the past years have always
proven to confirm its validity, it still cannot provide answers for some fundamental questions,
such as the nature of dark matter or the matter-antimatter asymmetry. Therefore, since the start
of their physics program, large experiments such as the ones based at the LHC, like ATLAS
and CMS, have looked for hints of BSM Physics. Among these kind of attempts, of particular
interests are so-called Dark Sector searches, where the existence of a whole new sector of particles,
governed by new interactions, is looked for. These searches present challenges in terms of (offline
and online) reconstruction, background estimation and modelling, as they provide a very rich
and unconventional phenomenology. This article reviews the most recent Dark Sector searches
performed by the ATLAS and CMS collaboration, with particular focus on Dark Sector models
involving the existence of a dark QED or dark QCD. Specific challenges met by the different
searches are highlighted and plans to overcome them in the next LHC runs are illustrated.