The determination of $r_0$ and $r_1$ in Nf=2+1 QCD
T. Asmussen*,
R. Höllwieser,
F. Knechtli and
T. Korzec*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
May 02, 2024
Published on:
November 06, 2024
We determine the scales $r_0$, $r_1$, the ratio $r_0/r_1$ for $N_f$ = 2 + 1 flavor QCD ensembles generated by CLS. These scales are determined from an improved definition of the static force, which we measure using Wilson loops and furthermore use to study the shape of the potential. Our analysis involves various continuum and chiral extrapolations of data that covers pion masses between 134 MeV and 420 MeV and five lattice spacings down to 0.038 fm.
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