Streamlined data analysis in Python
D.A. Clarke*, L. Altenkort, J. Goswami and H. Sandmeyer
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2023
Published on: November 06, 2024
Python is a particularly appealing language to carry out data analysis, owing in part to its user-friendly character as well as its access to well maintained and powerful libraries like NumPy and SciPy. Still, for the purpose of analyzing data in a lattice QCD context, some desirable functionality is missing from these libraries. Moreover, scripting languages tend to be slower than compiled ones. To help address these points we present the AnalysisToolbox, a collection of Python modules to facilitate lattice QCD data analysis. Some highlighted features include general-purpose jackknife and bootstrap routines; modules for reading in and storing gauge configurations; a module to carry out hadron resonance gas
model calculations; and convenience wrappers for SciPy integration, curve fitting, and splines. These features are sped up behind the scenes using parallelization and just-in-time
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