Overview of hadron structure from lattice QCD
X. Gao
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Pre-published on: May 07, 2024
Published on: November 06, 2024
We review the latest progress in lattice QCD calculations of the hadron structure. There have been improved calculations of form factors and gravitational form factors by removing the lattice artifacts. Additionally, we highlight the rapid development in lattice calculations of $x$-dependent parton distributions. This area of study has expanded from various one-dimensional parton distribution functions (PDFs) to three-dimensional distributions like generalized parton distribution functions (GPDs) and transverse-momentum-dependent PDFs (TMDs). These advancements are being achieved within the large momentum effective theory (LaMET) framework and similar methodologies, with considerable progress in controlling lattice artifacts as well as enhancing theoretical accuracy.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.453.0128
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