Volume 452 - Muon4Future Workshop (Muon4Future2023) - Present and Future Muon Facilities
J-PARC muon facility
T. Yamazaki*  on behalf of the Muon Science Section MLF J-PARC
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 15, 2024
Published on: March 28, 2024
The J-PARC muon facility is a pulsed muon beam facility located in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility.
It has four muon beamlines and seven experimental areas in operation, and a new beamline (H-line) and two new experimental areas (H1 and S2 area) started operation in January 2022.
They are used for fundamental physics experiments, such as precise measurements of muoniums, and a search for $\mu$-e conversion.
Further extension of the H-line is ongoing to develop a novel low emittance muon beam for a muon $g-2$/EDM experiment and a muon transmission microscope.
For more future planning, the conceptual design of a new target station, which allows for over 50 times more intense muons, is underway.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.452.0003
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