Provenance model for Lattice QCD
W. Soeldner*,
T. Auge,
G. Bali,
M. Klettke,
B. Ludäscher,
S. Weishäupl and
T. Wettig*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
June 12, 2024
Published on:
December 13, 2024
Like in many other research areas, workflow management becomes increasingly important in the community of Lattice QCD. Since for distinct observables high precision results are mandatory nowadays, the analysis of the corresponding data becomes more and more complex. In this context we focus on the particular aspect of provenance tracking. We formulate a provenance model for Lattice QCD that includes the ensemble-generation and measurement parts of the Lattice QCD workflow following the W3C PROV standard. As many important provenance questions in our community require extensions of this model, we propose a multi-layered provenance approach that combines prospective and retrospective elements.
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