Lattice results over the last few years are reviewed, which have produced some unexpected insights into the QCD phase structure.
The chiral phase transition in the limit of massless quarks is likely of second order for all $N_f=2-6$,
and remains second order independent of the value of an imaginary chemical potential for baryon number.
On the other hand, for physical quark masses and zero density
an approximate $SU(4)$ chiral spin symmetry is observed to emerge in a temperature range above the chiral crossover
$T_\text{ch}$, which reduces to the expected chiral symmetry at a second crossover $\sim 3T_\text{ch}$. Spectral functions for pseudoscalar
mesons, which successfully reproduce both spatial and temporal lattice correlators, show resonance-like peaks above the chiral crossover $T_\text{ch}$,
suggesting the presence of chirally symmetric, hadron-like thermoparticles in this regime. Implications for the QCD phase diagram are discussed.