SuperKEKB Status
M. Masuzawa* on behalf of the SuperKEKB accelerator group
Pre-published on:
January 20, 2024
Published on:
March 21, 2024
SuperKEKB is a double-ring collider consisting of a 7-GeV electron ring (HER) and a 4-GeV positron ring (LER) with a circumference of approximately 3 km, constructed by reusing the KEKB tunnel. To further increase the peak luminosity, a nanobeam scheme with a large crossing angle was adopted. Electrons and positrons collide at a larger horizontal crossing angle while maintaining a bunch length that is approximately the same as that of the KEKB. Therefore, the actual collision area could be considerably shorter than the bunch length. This mitigates the hourglass effect that results from collisions over the entire length of the bunch and allows a strong vertical squeeze to increase the luminosity. SuperKEKB was commissioned for four months in 2022 and has now entered Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) for approximately 15 months. Various upgrades are underway. The beam currents increased gradually, and maxima of 1145 and 1460 mA were stored in the HER and LER, respectively. The peak luminosity of 4.7 × 1034 cm-2 s-1 with a vertical beta function (β_y^*) of 1 mm at the interaction point (IP) was achieved in June 2022, breaking the previous year’s SuperKEKB world record. This paper presents recent progress and addresses the challenges and issues that need to be tackled in conjunction with the upgrade efforts during LS1, aiming to further enhance luminosity performance.
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