Two main UHECR hotspots have been found in the Auger sky, clustering towards NGC253 and CenA, our nearby AGN sources: their presence is still controversial, as well as the additional
AUGER dipole at ten Eev. A first data (2009-2012) sample in Auger was related to three chains of multiplets with energy of tens of EeV, clustered around the more energetic UHECR clusters. These
multiplet trails, nearly a dozen of events each, were pointing to the main well-defined directions in the sky: Cen A and NGC 253. These secondaries signals, probably fragments of high-energy
UHECR primaries, have been forgotten or neglected. Such additional information, in our opinion, is capable of accurately disentangle and confirm the nature of the UHECR candidate hot spot sources. For different reasons UHECR are imagined mostly located in our nearby (one or few Mpcs) Local Group universe.