PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Cosmic-Ray Physics (Direct, CRD)
The response linearity of energy measurement up to TeV in the DAMPE experiment
 Dampe, F. Alemanno, C. Altomare, Q. An, P. Azzarello, F.C.T. Barbato, P. Bernardini, X.J. Bi, I. Cagnoli, M.S. Cai, E. Casilli, E. Catanzani, J. Chang, D.Y. Chen, J.L. Chen, Z.F. Chen, Z.X. Chen, P. Coppin, M.Y. Cui, T.S. Cui, Y.X. Cui, I. De Mitri, F. de Palma, A. Di Giovanni, M. Di Santo, Q. Ding, T.K. Dong, Z.X. Dong, G. Donvito, D. Droz, J.L. Duan, K.K. Duan, R.R. Fan, Y.Z. Fan, F. Fang, K. Fang, C.Q. Feng, L. Feng, M. Fernandez Alonso, J.M. Frieden, P. Fusco, M. Gao, F. Gargano, E. Ghose, K. Gong, Y.Z. Gong, D.Y. Guo, J.H. Guo, S.X. Han, Y.M. Hu, G.S. Huang, X.Y. Huang, Y.Y. Huang, M. Ionica, L.Y. Jiang, W. Jiang, Y.Z. Jiang, J. Kong, A. Kotenko, D. Kyratzis, S.J. Lei, W.L. Li, W.H. Li, X. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.M. Liang, C.M. Liu, H. Liu, J. Liu, S.B. Liu, Y. Liu, F. Loparco, C.N. Luo, M. Ma, P.X. Ma, T. Ma, X.Y. Ma, G. Marsella, M.N. Mazziotta, D. Mo, X.Y. Niu, X. Pan, A. Parenti, W.X. Peng, X.Y. Peng, C. Perrina, E. Putti-Garcia, R. Qiao, J.N. Rao, A. Ruina, Z. Shangguan, W.H. Shen, Z.Q. Shen, Z.T. Shen, L. Silveri, J.X. Song, M. Stolpovskiy, H. Su, M. Su, H.R. Sun, Z.Y. Sun, A. Surdo, X.J. Teng, A. Tykhonov, J.Z. Wang, L.G. Wang, S. Wang, X.L. Wang, Y.F. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.Z. Wang, D.M. Wei, J.J. Wei, Y.F. Wei, D. Wu, J. Wu, L.B. Wu, S.S. Wu, X. Wu, Z.Q. Xia, E.H. Xu, H.T. Xu, J. Xu, Z.H. Xu, Z.Z. Xu, Z.L. Xu, G.F. Xue, H.B. Yang, P. Yang, Y.Q. Yang, H.J. Yao, Y.H. Yu, G.W. Yuan, Q. Yuan, C. Yue, J.J. Zang, S.X. Zhang, W.Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y.P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Zhang, Y.Q. Zhang, Y.L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, C. Zhao*, H.Y. Zhao, X.F. Zhao, C.Y. Zhou and Y. Zhuet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: July 25, 2023
Published on: September 27, 2024
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) space mission is designed to measure cosmic rays and gamma rays. The key sub-detector of DAMPE is the Bismuth Germanium Oxide (BGO) Electromagnetic CALorimeter (ECAL), which measures the energies of electrons/gamma-rays ranging from 5 GeV - 10 TeV. The fluorescence quenching effect has been observed for hadronic shower in the sensitive unit of the BGO ECAL, in which cases the fluorescence yield is no longer proportional to the deposited energies. However, it is still unclear whether there is a quenching effect in BGO ECAL for ~TeV electromagnetic showers with extremely high energy deposition densities.
In this presentation, we will introduce the results of a laser test that checks the linearity of the BGO fluorescence response to the energy deposited at the shower centers of 10 TeV-order electrons. The laser test used a high-intensity laser to excite a BGO crystal to mimic the high-density energy deposition of electromagnetic showers. It will reveal whether the BGO fluorescence response remains linear for a ~10 TeV electromagnetic shower. Further study on the response of the BGO crystal located at the shower center in high-energy electromagnetic showers was also assessed through a comparison of data obtained from orbital cosmic ray electrons candidate and Monte Carlo Simulation without a fluorescence quenching effect.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.0163
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