Since the beginning of the gravitational wave (GW) astronomy era in 2015, telescopes across the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum began to search for counterparts of GW events. The first, and so far only, EM counterpart (GW170817/GRB170817A) revealed a plethora of information
from both the prompt and the afterglow emission relevant to fundamental physics and astronomy. However, the event yielded a host of questions, many of which require additional events to answer.
The detection of the prompt emission is critical as it provides information about the energetics of the event, constraints on fundamental physics, and better localization for follow-up observations at other wavelengths. The INTEGRAL satellite, with its large field-of-view and broad coverage in the X-ray to soft gamma-ray energy range, is well-suited to detect, localize, and follow-up GW
triggers during the current LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA observing run, O4. We discuss the INTEGRAL detectors, analyses, and the results from the current O4 observing run.