PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Multi Messenger and Gravitational Wave (MM&GW)
Control scheme for the polarization circulation speed meter
Y. Nishino
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Pre-published on: July 25, 2023
Published on: September 27, 2024
Speed meters are one of the approaches to mitigate the quantum radiation pressure noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors, which limits the sensitivity at low frequencies. The most recent version of the speed meter concept is the Polarization Circulation Speed Meter (PCSM), which requires only modest modifications to the conventional interferometer design. To implement this design in real large-scale detectors, we need to test it in a table-top experiment to investigate potential difficulties. The primary challenge lies in controlling the length and alignment of the cavity formed by the input test masses and the polarization circulation mirror while maintaining a round-trip phase shift of $\pi$. In this proceeding, we introduce the concept of the speed-meter-type interferometer, provide a brief explanation of the control scheme for the PCSM, termed Dual-Retardance Control (Nishino, \textit{et.al.,} 2023, Phys. Rev. \textbf{D} 107, 084029), and outline our future plans for conducting a proof-of-concept experiment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.1476
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