PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Dark Matter Physics (DM)
Power supply system construction and power monitoring analysis for the dark matter search experiment DIMS.
M. Mori*, Y. Tameda, D. Shinto, M. Fujioka, T. Tomida, F. Kajino, K. Shinozaki  on behalf of the DIMS Collaboration
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Pre-published on: August 17, 2023
Published on: September 27, 2024
The DIMS (Dark Matter and Interstellar Meteoroid Study) experiment was designed to search for the nuclearite, a dark matter candidate, and to observe meteors of extra-solar origin. The DIMS detector with a high-sensitivity CMOS camera had been deployed at the Telescope Array (TA) experiment sites, Black Rock Mesa (BRM) and TARA, in Utah, USA. We are also planning to deploy the detector at the TA Central Laser Facility (CLF) site. Since AC power is not available at the CLF site, solar power is requited to supply power to the instruments. Therefore, it is necessary to design a power supply system using a solar power generation. Remote control of the instruments is also necessary because this experiment will be conducted in the USA. Therefore, we will design and test a power supply system using photovoltaic power generation, introduce a power monitor, analyze it, and remotely control observation equipment. We installed the power supply system at Nagano Campus of Shinshu University for a long-term test. In this paper, we will report details of the remote operation and the power supply systems to be installed at the TA CLF site, and some results of a long-term test of this system.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.1392
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