It has been established by high-statistics cosmic-ray experiments that the distribution of arrival directions of TeV cosmic rays have small anisotropic features with amplitudes of ∼0.1%. In this presentation, we use the intensity-mapping method based on Liouville's theorem for the modeling of the TeV cosmic-ray anisotropy. Our results derived from the data of the Tibet AS𝛾 experiment and the calculation of cosmic-ray trajectories in an MHD model heliosphere indicate that the relative intensity distribution of cosmic rays at the outer boundary of the heliosphere contains small-scale anisotropic features with angular scales of smaller than ∼10 degrees, which does not seem realistic. A possible problem would be that the MHD model heliosphere used in this presentation is a single snapshot of the positive polarity phase of a solar cycle, while the experimental data covers ten years during the negative polarity phase of the 23rd solar cycle. In order to improve our intensity-mapping method, it would be necessary to have multiple snapshots of the MHD model heliosphere corresponding to the negative polarity phase, perform the intensity-mapping for each of the snapshots and take the average of the results.