The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) in $^{130}$Te, employing low temperature detectors. CUORE is stably taking data at the Gran Sasso underground laboratories since 2017.
Being the $0\nu\beta\beta$ an extremely rare decay, mitigating the experimental background is a key requirement to increase the sensitivity. Therefore, a precise modeling of the entire energy spectrum is essential to understand the data, characterize the setup and identify residual background contributions. This is even more important considering that CUPID, the next-generation $0\nu\beta\beta$ bolometric experiment after CUORE, will be operated in the same cryogenic infrastructure.
A comprehensive model of the CUORE data has been developed capitalizing on a substantial analyzed exposure of 1038 kg$\cdot$yr. It makes use of several energy spectra of different event multiplicities and an extensive set of fits has been performed to obtain a satisfactory reconstruction of the data and estimation of systematic uncertainties. The outcome allows to localize non-uniform sources, study time varying contaminations and determine with high precision all the background activities. On top of this, the result will permit accurate and reliable projections of the CUPID background in the region of interest.