Novel leptoquark pair production @LHC
Published on:
November 08, 2023
I discuss asymmetric leptoquark pair production mechanism at the Large Hadron Collider to advocate its potential relevance in providing reliable constraints on the leptoquark parameter space. The main feature of this production mechanism is that the two leptoquarks that are produced in proton-proton collisions through a $t$-channel lepton exchange are not charge conjugates of each other. This distinguishes asymmetric leptoquark pair production from conventional leptoquark pair production even though the final state signatures can be exactly the same in both instances. I spell out prerequisite conditions for the asymmetric leptoquark pair production mechanism to be operational and enumerate all possible combinations of leptoquark multiplets that can potentially generate it. Finally, I demonstrate effects of the asymmetric pair production signature inclusion by recasting existing leptoquark pair production search results within the $S_1$, $S_3$, $R_2$, $S_1$+$S_3$, and $S_1$+$R_2$ leptoquark extensions of the Standard Model, where I assume that all these leptoquarks exclusively couple to electrons and the first generation quarks via a single Yukawa coupling.
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