Modave2022 - (other modave conferences)
5-9 September, 2022
Modave, Belgium
published June 16, 2023
Entries on ADS

The Modave Summer School on Mathematical Physics is a yearly summer school in topics of theoretical physics ranging from quantum gravity and cosmology to theoretical particle physics and string theory. In this 2022 edition, the school takes again place at its traditional venue in Modave, a charming village in the Belgian countryside. The Modave School is organised by PhD students for PhD students, and this makes it rather unique. The courses are taught by Post-Docs or late PhD students, and they are all made of pedagogical, basic blackboard lectures about recent or fundamental topics in theoretical physics. Lectures of the XVIII edition are centred around the following subjects: symmetries of gravity, non-commutative geometry, De-Sitter space and holography, geometrical quantisation and higher-spin theories.

Editorial Board

  • Adrien Druart
    ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Ludovico Machet
    KUL & ULB (University of Leuven, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Maxim Pavlov
    VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • Simon Pekar
    UMONS (Université de Mons)
Main session
Modave lectures on Noncommutative Geometry and its applications to physics
A. Bochniak
From Asymptotic Symmetries to the Corner Proposal
L. Ciambelli
Modave lectures on de Sitter space & holography
D. Galante
Introduction to higher-spin theories
Six lectures on geometric quantization
K. Wernli