Of all nuclear physics experiments none are more fundamental than ``elastic'' $p,p$ and, secondarily,
$p,d$ or $d,d$ scattering. Recognizing that these particles are themselves composite, ``elastic''
scattering may be accompanied by temporary internal rearrangement with undetectably small energy loss.
This paper argues that correct calculation of the spin dependence of $p,p$
(and other charged particle) elastic scattering, must account for a previously-neglected relativistic effect
of ``$G$'', the anomalous magnetic dipole moment (MDM) of the scattering particles. The paper
describes storage ring scattering configurations capable of confirming this contention.
Especially important experimentally for protons is the existence of ``perfect'' (greater than 99\%)
proton-carbon scattering polarimetric analyzing power $A$ at $K$=183.1\,MeV laboratory kinetic energy
and correspondingly high nearby.
(i) In a storage ring collider with counter-circulating proton beams, each with energy up to
$K$=200\,MeV, the final spin states of coincident scattered protons can be determined
with high probability for a significantly large fraction of all scatters, both prompt and delayed.
For comparison with current descriptions based on proton scattering from a hydrogen target fixed in the
laboratory, this corresponds roughly, to proton kinetic energy $K$=400\,MeV in the laboratory frame,
barely below the pion production threshold.
(ii) In a ``DERBENEV-style'' figure-8 storage ring, independently polarized, diametrically opposite bunches
on orthogonal orbits can collide at the beam crossover point with symmetric $K''\approx200$ MeV energies
in a slow (transversely) moving frame.
(iii) Alternalively, $p$ and $d$ beams can counter-circulate at the same time in a small racetrack
shaped ring with superimposed electric and magnetic bending. In this case the scattering would be ``WOLFENSTEIN-style'',
with collinear incident orbits (at the cost of significantly inferior polarimetry for the deuteron beam).
To investigate the consistency of quantum mechanics and special relativity it is proposed to implement
options (ii) and (iii) in the COSY beam hall.