A "cheap" VNA for polarization determination
G. Reicherz* and F. Grimm
Pre-published on:
March 20, 2023
Published on:
August 04, 2023
This report verified DG8SAQ VNWA 3 vector network analyzer (VNA) for polarization measurement of solid-state targets. Comparative measurements between the VNA and the Bochum NMR module were performed. Two radiation-doped samples 6LiD and NH3, as well as the chemically TEMPO-doped sample material n-Butanol are polarized and measured at temperatures of 1 Kelvin and magnetic field strengths of 2.5T. The method of dynamic polarization is used to increase the degree of polarization. We achieved polarization values from less than one percent to up to 11%. Polarization measurement showed the extent to which a cheap VNA can be used as a Q-meter. The two measuring systems were connected via an electronic switch to the LC-circuit, so that alternating measurements of NMR spectra could be taken. The area under the NMR signals as well as the polarization values obtained from a TE calibration were compared between the two measuring systems. We showed that VNA has a linear behavior in determining the signal areas compared to the Bochum NMR module. Due to a low SNR for TE-signals differences of two percentage points arise for the determined maximum polarization values.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.433.0017
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