IBPs and differential equations in parameter space
D. Artico and L. Magnea*
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: November 17, 2023
Published on: January 22, 2024
We present a projective framework for the construction of Integration by Parts (IBP) identities and differential equations for Feynman integrals, working in Feynman-parameter space. This framework originates with very early results
which emerged long before modern techniques for loop calculations were developed. Adapting and generalising these results to the modern language, we use simple tools of projective geometry to generate sets of IBP identities and differential equations in parameter space, with a technique applicable to any loop order. We test the viability of the method on simple diagrams at one and two loops, providing a unified viewpoint on several existing results.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.432.0058
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