D meson -- pion scattering on CLS 2+1 flavor ensembles
D. Mohler*, J. Bulava, B. Hoerz, C. Johnson, C. Morningstar and R.J. Hudspith
Pre-published on:
February 24, 2023
Published on:
April 06, 2023
We report progress on finite-volume determinations of heavylight-meson – Goldstone boson scattering phase shifts using the Luescher method on CLS 2+1 flavor gauge field ensembles. In a first iteration we will focus on D-meson – pion scattering in the elastic scattering region at various pion masses using ensembles with three lattice spacings. We employ ensembles on the CLS quark-mass trajectory with a fixed trace of the quark-mass matrix as well as ensembles with a strange-quark mass fixed close to its physical value, which will allow us to study both the light and the strange quark-mass dependence of positive parity heavy-light hadrons close to threshold.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.430.0068
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