HEASA 2022 was the ninth conference in the annual series "High Energy Astrophysics in
Southern Africa". Its goal was to bring together scientists from the southern African region, the
African continent, and around the world with an interest in high-energy astrophysical phenomena.
Topics discussed included theoretical, multi-wavelength, and multi-messenger observational
aspects of astrophysical sources (e.g. active galactic nuclei (AGNs), galaxy systems, gamma-ray
bursts (GRBs), X-ray/gamma-ray binaries, supernovae and supernova remnants, neutron stars,
pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, cataclysmic variables (CVs)) as well as modern aspects of
astro-particle physics. HEASA 2022 was held during the period of 28 September – 01 October
2022, as a hybrid conference with 42 in person contributions, 9 remote talks and 9 posters. It
was sponsored by the Department of Science and Innovation and the National Research
Foundation of South Africa through the South African Gamma-Ray Astronomy Programme (SA-
Sessions |
Agn i |
Agn ii |
Binaries |
Binaries/Pulsars |
SNRs/Multi-Messenger |
Agn iii |
Extreme Universe |
Black Holes |
Posters |
Agn i |
Pair production and jet power in galactic and extragalactic jets
Flux distribution study of PKS 0208-512 using long-term multi-band observations
Constraining magnetic fields and gamma-ray production zones in blazar jets by fitting the broad-band spectral energy distribution.
A hadronic synchrotron mirror model for blazars - Application to 3C 279
Neutrino Emission from Bright Blazar Flares
Agn ii |
Multi-messenger emission from magnetically dominated baryon-loaded blazar jets
Monte-Carlo Applications for Partially Polarized Inverse External-Compton Scattering (MAPPIES)
Modeling the Multi-wavelength Polarization and Spectral Energy Distributions of Blazars
Long-term optical spectropolarimetric behaviour of a BLL and FSRQ during low states
Investigating the temporal behaviour of simulated multi-wavelength blazar variability for coloured noise variations.
Multi-wavelength Study of blazars observed at redshift z >~1 by H.E.S.S.
Multi-wavelength Study of Radio Galaxies in MeerKAT fields
Estimation of orbital inclination angle for compact binary mergers
Binaries |
Non-transient gamma-ray binaries: current status and perspectives
Long term behaviour of the circumstellar disc in the gamma-ray binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883
Constraining the orbital solution of the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
The long-term Be disc structural behaviour of the newly-discovered Be X-ray binary, MAXI J0903-531
Circinus X-1, the 34 day daily monitoring campaign with MeerKAT
Observations of the Stellar Mass Black Hole Cyg X-1 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer IXPE
Transient Supersoft X-ray Binaries observed with ASTROSAT and SALT
Binaries/Pulsars |
Broadband Spectral Modelling of the Galactic Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
Multi-zone modelling of the rapidly expanding, young pulsar wind nebula Kes 75
Constraining the multipolar magnetic field of millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+0451 via NICER X-ray light curve fitting
Discovery of a Second AR Sco-like White Dwarf Pulsar
Modelling the Multi-Wavelength Non-thermal Emission of AR Sco.
Very-High-Energy Emission from Pulsars
SNRs/Multi-Messenger |
Gamma-ray emission from nova shocks expanding in the red giant wind: Interpretation of the 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi
Teenage Supernova Remnants-can they be PeVatrons?
Particle Acceleration at Reflected Shocks in Supernovae Remnants
Multi-frequency probes of 2HDM+S dark matter
Geodesics on approximately analytic spacetimes
Agn iii |
Numerical Perspective on Interplay of Shocks, Turbulence and non-thermal emission processes in AGN jets.
Exploring radio morphologies of AGN jets with hybrid fluid-particle simulations
Particle acceleration and inverse Compton emission from shear boundary layers in relativistic jets
1E 0502-667: An AGN without narrow lines?
MeerKAT-discovered AGN radio shock and large-scale relic emission
The variety of extreme blazars in the AstroSat view
Effect of AGN on the morphological properties of their host galaxies in the local Universe
Extreme Universe |
Exploring the Extreme Universe in the Fermi Era
Extragalactic background light inhomogeneities
Hot Spot and Plasmoid models for Sagittarius A* flares
Pulse fitting and spectral analysis of short gamma-ray bursts and the magnetar giant flare, GRB200415A
Shaken, not stirred: Test particles in binary black hole mergers
Black Holes |
The Event Horizon Telescope and the future of black hole imaging
High angular resolution radio surveys of active galactic nuclei towards the SKA era
Goal-Oriented Stacking for Selection of AGN Candidates Below the Radio Detection Threshold
Selecting strong gravitational lens candidates in SKA HI surveys
Correction method applied to MC simulated LST images affected by clouds
Shocks and Particle Acceleration in Gamma-ray Emitting Novae
Posters |
Physical inference from the temporal analysis of PKS 1510-089 during the 2014 – 2015 multi-wavelength flaring events
Characterising the KL4040 sCMOS camera for use on the Boyden 1.5m Telescope
A search for gamma-ray emission from a sample of highly magnetised white dwarfs using Fermi-LAT data
SALT Spectropolarimetric Pipeline Comparisons
Active galactic nuclei with strong helium lines
Phase-resolved Spectral Analysis of Bright Gamma-ray Millisecond Pulsars
Gravitational Lensing Inthe Standard LambdaCMD Cosmology
Determining the Uncertainty of UAVs Transmission Propagation on Cross Calibration of Cherenkov Telescope Array.