Astroparticle experiments to improve the biological risk assessment of exposure to ionizing radiation in the exploratory space missions: a research topic initiative
A. Bartoloni*, C. Consolandi, G. Cavoto, N. Ding and L. Strigari
Pre-published on:
November 25, 2022
Published on:
June 15, 2023
The actual and next decade will be characterized by an exponential increase in the exploration of the Beyond Low Earth Orbit space (BLEO). Moreover, the firsts tentative to create structures that will enable a permanent human presence in the BLEO are forecast. In this context, a detailed space radiation field characterization will be crucial to optimize radioprotection strategies (e.g., spaceship and lunar space stations shielding, Moon / Mars village design), to assess the risk of the health hazard related to human space exploration and to reduce the damages potentially induced to astronauts from galactic cosmic radiation. On the other side, since the beginning of the century, many astroparticle experiments aimed at investigating the unknown universe components (i.e., dark matter, antimatter, dark energy) have collected enormous amounts of data regarding the cosmic rays (CR) components of the radiation in space. Such experiments essentially are actual cosmic ray observatories. And the collected data contains valuable information that can enhance the space radiation field characterization and, consequently, improve the radiobiology issues concerning one of the most relevant topics of space radiobiology represented by the dose-effect models. This paper describes a research topic initiative titled "Astroparticle Experiments to Improve the Biological Risk Assessment of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation in the Exploratory Space Missions". We launched it in December 2021 on three different Frontiers Journal (Astronomy and Space Science/Astrobiology, Public Health/Radiation and Health, Physics/Detectors and Imaging).
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