The ASIMOV Prize for scientific publishing - HEP researchers trigger young people toward science
W.M. Alberico, R. Antolini, S. Arezzini, L. Bellagamba, N. Cavallo, C. Cecchi,
S. Cherubini, R. Colalillo, G. Di Sciascio, C. Distefano, S. Fuso, G. Galati, R. Hueting, S. Leone, M. Lissia, S. Miozzi, D. Mura, A. Papa, A. Parisi, G.M. Piacentino, C. Puggioni, M. Radici, S. Sebastiani, A. Sidoti, L. Silvestris, M. Tuveri, F. Ursini, A. Ventura*, E. Vigezzi, F. Vissani and D. Vitaliet al. (click to show)
Pre-published on:
October 14, 2022
Published on:
June 15, 2023
This work presents the ASIMOV Prize for scientific publishing, which was launched in Italy in 2016. The prize aims to bring the young generations closer to scientific culture, through the critical reading of popular science books. The books are selected by a committee that includes scientists, professors, Ph.D. and Ph.D. students, writers, journalists and friends of culture, and most importantly, over 800 school teachers. Students are actively involved in the prize, according to the best practices of public engagement: they read, review the books and vote for them, choosing the winner. The experience is quite successful: 12,000 students from 270 schools all over Italy participated in the last edition.
The possibility of replicating this experience in other countries is indicated, as was done in Brazil in 2020 with more than encouraging results.
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