We suggest the π π’(1, π|π)-superconformal mechanics formulated in terms of phase superspace
given by the non-compact analog of complex projective superspace CPπ|π. We parameterized this
phase space by the specific coordinates allowing us to interpret it as a higher-dimensional super-analog
of the Lobachevsky plane parameterized by lower half-plane (Klein model). Then we transited to
the canonical coordinates corresponding to the known separation of the "radial" and "angular" parts
of (super)conformal mechanics. Relating the "angular" coordinates with action-angle variables we
demonstrated that the proposed scheme allows constructing the π π’(1, π|π) superconformal extensions
of a wide class of superintegrable systems. We also proposed the superintegrable oscillator-like
system with a π π’(1, π|π) dynamical superalgebra, and found that it admits deformed N = 2π
PoincarΓ© supersymmetry.