Exclusive vector meson production in electron – ion collisions at the future colliders
C.R. Sena*, V.P. Goncalves and D.E. Martins
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: August 01, 2022
Published on: August 30, 2022
The exclusive vector meson production in electron - ion collisions for the energies of the future colliders is investigated considering the possible states of nucleon configurations in the nuclear wave function and taking into account of the non-linear corrections to the QCD dynamics. The results for the coherent and incoherent φ and J/ψ production in eAu collisions indicate that a future experimental analysis of these processes can be useful to constrain the description of the QCD dynamics at high energies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.408.0041
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