Research on the GOOD LIFE. Citizens ask questions, collect needs, outline solutions.
G. Hagendorfer-Jauk* and
M. Gruber*: corresponding author
Published on:
January 02, 2023
Research at universities of applied sciences is characterized by its application orientation and increasing participation of stakeholders. With the mandate to anchor Citizen Science more strongly at CUAS, the idea for the project "Citizens4Science" was born. The goal is to investigate the socially relevant question of what constitutes a good life in Carinthia. The research participation of citizens, especially of vulnerable target groups such as elderly people or migrants, starts with the elaboration of relevant topics for researching the good life and continues with citizen-led open space and workshop formats for the exploration of needs and recommendations for action. In this paper, on the basis of results collected together with Citizen Scientists, the questions will be discussed how vulnerable groups can be reached and involved and what added value is revealed, for the Citizen Scientists but also for decision makers.
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