ACSC2022 - (other acsc conferences)
28 - 30 June, 2022
Dornbirn, Austria
published January 02, 2023

No other time has so clearly highlighted the importance of science, research and the communication of results and data as the last few months. Being able to actively address crises as a society is one of the core competencies of citizen science. Committed citizens work hand in hand with researchers to find answers to the current and future challenges of society.

From 28 to 30 June 2022, everything centers around the question "Citizen Science - Why not (actually)?" The focus will be on interested citizens and already active citizen scientists.

The following questions will be examined from different perspectives.

The focus is on the opportunities and challenges of collaborative research, on examples of concrete projects and initiatives.

Editorial Board

  • Daniel Dörler
    Institute of Zoology, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Susanne Hecker
    Museum für Naturkunde (MfN), Berlin, Germany
  • Florian Heigl
    University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Guido Kempter
    Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Forschungszentrum für nutzerzentrierte Technologien
Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2022
Citizen Science - Why not (actually)?
D. Dörler, S. Hecker and F. Heigl
Why citizen science cannot answer the question of the democratisation of science
M. Strähle and C. Urban
Counting lights for Sustainability – Insights from the Citizen Science Project Nachtlicht-BüHNE
M. Zschorn and J. Mattern
Why and how is the Zentralbibliothek Zürich involved in citizen science?
S. Wiederkehr
Motivation of Austrian researchers for conducting citizen science and assumed added value for participants
B. Heinisch
A different kind of dictionary – Collecting lexemes used in Austria together with citizens
B. Heinisch, R. Stocker and E. Topitz
The Significance of Human Weather- and Impact- Reports from a National and International Perspective
T. Krennert, R. Kaltenberger and A. Schaffhauser
Project PATIO: Towards an improved quality of life through lived patient and caregiver engagement in oncology
A. Dorn, S. Moldovan, E. Büchler, N. Fribék, M. Niederleithinger and M. Mitterhauser
Fostering citizen engagement with the PATIO health guide
S. Moldovan, M. Mitterhauser, N. Fribék, M. Niederleithinger, E. Büchler and A. Dorn
Scaling Up: First insights into the accompanying research "Plastic Pirates - Go Europe!"
V. Knapp, V. van den Bogaert and J. Wirth
Benefits and Challenges of Participatory Design in Agriculture: The Example of the FieldMApp
S. Truckenbrodt, M. Enderling, E. Borg, C.C. Schmullius and F. Klan
What do we know about the effects of Citizen Science on Participants' Knowledge?
L. Finger, V. van den Bogaert, K. Sommer and J. Wirth
Honey bees and beekeepers as environmental researchers: Results, limits, opportunities
R. Brodschneider and K. Gratzer
Research on the GOOD LIFE. Citizens ask questions, collect needs, outline solutions.
G. Hagendorfer-Jauk and M. Gruber
Supporting Citizen Science in Research Performing Organisations: which institutional changes can facilitate this process and how can they be monitored?
T. Schaefer, B. Kieslinger and C.M. Fabian
On a digital journey into yesterday's future: Zeit.shift – preserving Tyrol's cultural text heritage
J. Walcher, A. Abel, J. Andresen, P. Brasolin, I. Dissertori, E. Eberwein, G. Franzini, S. Gstrein, H. Maritta, C. Kössler, B. Laner, V. Lyding, K. Pircher and E. Stemle
Knowledge should not be lost! Interview with a volunteer
N. Graf and T. Pfister
"I have good news and bad news too". Motivation and Manipulation in Citizen Science Projects
Open Public Humanities – towards linked open local history
C. Erlinger
SelEe- Rare diseases citizen science research
M.C. Neff, J. Schaaf, J. Scheidt, A. Khouri, T. Zerr and H. Storf
The 10 Swiss Citizen Science Principles
J. Six and T. Stämpfli
The potential of making competences acquired through Citizen Science visible
O. Höhener and T. Stämpfli
Adapting public funding schemes for participatory research: Managing expectations, overcoming structural constraints
M. Ilse, B. Kieslinger, S. Stefanie and T. Schaefer
Trails of hidden life - Involving Citizen Scientists to show the biodiversity at Viennese cemeteries
T. Filek, D. Nagel, V. Frey and R. Zink
The booklet “Citizen Science - Research with Schools” – Does it withstand the critical eyes of the citizen science community?
D. Frigerio, M. Cieslinski, F. Westreicher, M. Scheuch and M. Ernst