Anatomy of a top-down approach to discrete and modular flavor symmetry
A. Trautner
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Pre-published on: May 10, 2022
Published on: October 05, 2022
The framework of compactified heterotic string theory offers consistent ultraviolet (UV) completions of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. In this approach, the existence of flavor symmetries beyond the SM is imperative and the flavor symmetries can be derived from the top-down. Such a derivation uncovers a unified origin of traditional discrete flavor symmetries, discrete modular flavor symmetries, discrete R symmetries of supersymmetry, as well as CP symmetry - altogether called the eclectic flavor symmetry. I will show a specific example of such a top-down derived eclectic flavor symmetry, discuss the different sources of breaking of the eclectic flavor symmetry, as well as the possible lessons for bottom-up flavor model building.
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