Simulating the X-ARAPUCA, DUNE's next generation light sensors
G. Valdiviesso* and On behalf of the DUNE Collaboration
Published on:
March 31, 2022
The word arapuca refers to a bird trap built by the indigenous peoples of Brazil. On the other hand, our ARAPUCA is a photon trap for Noble Gases' scintillation light and it is the sensitive element upon which DUNE's whole photon detection system is based on. Here we present a glimpse of our state-of-the-art simulation of such device, the ArapucaSim, highlighting its philosophy and main components. As an application, we present here one of the studies being carried out, on the effects of light reflections inside the light guide and how affects the overall photon detection efficiency. Based on these results, we are able to not only acquire a better understanding of the device but also impose limits on the quality of the mechanical polishing of such surfaces. The ArapucaSim was developed with two main goals in mind: to assist in R&D by allowing short turnout times between new ideas and experimental tests, and to bridge the gap between high-precision time-consuming hardware simulations and the full-scale models for DUNE's Photon Detection System. This research also led to the development new algorithms for simulating wavelength shifting/scintillation processes and dichroic filters, which will be properly described in future publications.
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