Impact of the QCD dynamics on the determination of the high energy astrophysical neutrino flux
V.P. Goncalves, D. Gratieri* and A.S.d.C. Quadros
Published on:
March 31, 2022
The results presented here are based on the work \cite{EPJC21}, where we determine the impact of different assumptions in the description of the high-energy QCD interactions on the determination of the astrophysical neutrino flux, the normalization $\Phi_{Astro}$ and spectral index $\gamma$ of. The energy distribution of neutrino events at the IceCube is estimated considering the DGLAP, BFKL, CGC and BBMT approaches, and the best estimates for the flux parameters are determined using a maximum likelihood fit comparing the predictions with the distribution of observed events at IceCube. We also investigate if the increase of the effective exposure time expected in IceCube - Gen2 will allow us to disentangle the QCD dynamical effects from the description of the astrophysical neutrino flux.
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