Status of ESSnuSB and summary of workshop
B. Klicek*  on behalf of the ESS𝝂SB Collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Published on: March 31, 2022
ESSnuSB is a design study for a future experiment that will measure CP violation in the lepton sector by observing neutrino oscillations at the second maximum. The advantages of measurement at the second maximum are smaller sensitivity on the systematic error and oscillation matter effects. A very intense neutrino beam required for such a measurement will be produced using the uniquely powerful 5 MW European Spalation Source (ESS) linear accelerator. Neutrino oscillation signal will be observed in the large 538 kt fiducial mass far detector. The near detector complex will be used to measure the initial neutrino flux and neutrino interaction cross-sections. A description given of the the advantages of measurement at the second maximum, required upgrades to the ESS site in order to produce neutrino beam, and near and far detector sites. Physics reach using the experimental setup is then presented. There is a short report at the end from the ESSnuSB workshop held at this conference.
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