The project “Warning! The big planetary threats: knowing them to defend ourselves'' aimed to develop interdisciplinary educational paths on the themes of environmental fragility and dangerousness, addressing a wide audience but with a specific focus on young people. The initiative consisted of 5 debates were scientists presented an in-depth scientific analysis of so-called natural disasters, i.e. phenomena and consequences related to climate change, major pandemics, endogenous events (i.e. volcanoes and earthquakes), asteroid and space debris impact on earth surface and finally oceans pollution. “Being ready” was the initiative target, to be reached thanks to the adoption of responsible and scientifically sound behaviors,
overcoming a culture dominated by the ``here and now''.
An interdisciplinary approach was used stressing the importance of the scientific method to face complex problems. The various events took place virtually, allowing the participation
of more than 3000 high school students. ``Warning'' represented a useful educational support for students and teachers, who were able to attend the events in a ``virtual classroom'', and integrate topics covered in school programs.