Volume 398 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2021) - T12: Detector R&D and Data Handling
Combining Dual-Readout Crystals and Fibers in a Hybrid Calorimeter for the IDEA Experiment
M.T. Lucchini*  on behalf of the IDEA proto-collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 10, 2022
Published on: May 12, 2022
Crystal calorimetry has a long history of pushing the frontier of high energy resolution measurements for electromagnetic particles. Recent technological developments in the fields of crystal manufacturing and photo-detector developments (SiPMs) have opened new perspectives on how a segmented crystal calorimeter with dual-readout capabilities can be exploited for particle detectors at future collider experiments. In particular, a cost-effective integration of such a crystal calorimeter with the fiber-based calorimeter of the IDEA detector could achieve an energy resolution of $3\%/\sqrt{E}$ for electromagnetic particles and $26\%/\sqrt{E}$ for neutral and charged hadrons. In this contribution we provide a first demonstration of how the development of a new dedicated particle flow algorithm that exploits the dual-readout information (DR-PFA) from such a calorimeter can achieve an excellent energy resolution of 4% for 50 GeV jets and 3% for 100 GeV jets. Such a resolution is comparable to that of the highest performing PFA calorimeters and enables an efficient separation of the W and Z boson dijet invariant mass, a key requirement for detectors at future e$^+$e$^-$ colliders.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.398.0850
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