Latest developments and characterisation results of the MALTA sensors in TowerJazz 180nm for High Luminosity LHC
A. Sharma*, P. Allport, I. Asensi, I. Berdalović, D. Bortoletto, C. Buttar,
R. Cardella, F. Dachs, V. Dao, D. Dobrijevic, M. Dyndal, L. Flores, P.M. Freeman, A. Gabrielli, L. Gonella, M. LeBlanc, K. Oyulmaz, H. Pernegger, F. Piro, P. Riedler, M. van Rijnbach, H. Sandaker, C. Solans, W. Snoeys, T. Suligoj, J. Torres and S. Wormet al. (click to show)
Pre-published on:
January 12, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
The MALTA sensors are Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) made using 180nm TowerJazz CMOS technology. These have been iteratively designed towards achieving a high radiation tolerance for applications such as in the outer layers of the HL-LHC’s ATLAS Inner Tracker. To date several design enhancements have been implemented to attain a high time resolution (<2ns), granularity as well as achieving excellent charge collection efficiency uniformly across the pixel geometries. This technology promises to drastically cut the production cost of silicon sensors due to their monolithic design, bypassing the costly stage of bump bonding in hybrid sensors. This talk will provide a detailed overview of the comprehensive characterisation studies conducted on the MALTA and Mini-MALTA sensors as well as present newer functionalities being introduced in the latest iteration, the MALTA2.
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